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Students deserve to be heard

and I'm here to listen


How I Can Help

I help high school and college students determine their educational direction. Students have a lot of work on their plate and a lot of different people telling them what to do, so I help students take their education into their own hands. By forming a collaborative, co-creative relationship with my clients, I help them make their school lives feel more fulfilling and less like busy work.

Whether they want to talk about coping with burnout, planning future prospects, or something else entirely, I'm here to listen to my clients and be an accountability partner they can rely on as they find their way forward.

Working with Alex was an extremely valuable experience when I was grappling with burnout and a lack of balance between my career and personal life. Alex's coaching empowered me to reclaim my sense of agency in the workplace, establish clear personal and professional goals, and become more confident in navigating challenges. I highly recommend Alex as a life coach.

Braeden Waddell

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